GREETINGS!!! Today, I am excited to be revealing my resilient & reflective reality.

I believe in being deeply genuine, I am compelled to start The Fiber Subscriber. I am going to jump right into exactly what’s on my mind. As a pragmatic, sharing this personal journey is important. Sometimes, I feel as if my skin is on inside out, since I feel so sensitive to extrinsic factors. Since I drive a lot, there is lots of time to ponder. So here goes!

Life is such a quirky experience, with all the ups and downs, victories and tragedies. At its completion, dust in the wind, unlikely to be remembered in the eternity of history. Society dictates that every decision is crucial, every word from our mouths must be perfect, and that imperfection is unacceptable. Frequently the sense of gauche is a predominant feeling. As a very imperfect human, I find all of the pressure to be perfect unrealistic, unattainable, and downright overwhelming!

My reality is that most of what is out there in the world is only the “for public viewing” version. The nitty gritty reality is kept out of view. Revealing my resilient & reflective reality,I will reveal that I suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia, PTSD, self-regulation and self-care. I often feel overwhelmed, apprehensive and upset. Reflecting, it’s hard to figure out if my ability to cope has depleted, or the world around me has intensified. Sometimes I truly believe I am an Anachronism, I feel so out of place. One thing I know for sure is that fiber arts have really helped.

Previously, I have tried plenty of ‘mindfulness’ activities, including but not limited to painting, coloring, beadwork, yoga, walking etc. I enjoy all of them, but become disinterested, and don’t follow through. This NEVER happens with knitting. I often have a few different projects in the works. Each at different stages and varying levels of complexity to meet my disposition or concentration levels. Anxiety, always makes me feel as if the world is spiraling out of control. Knitting seems to help get things back into perspective. It reduces the constant internal ruminations and feelings of uncertainty that often plague me. Revealing my resilient & reflective reality also means understanding what truly works for me.

Knitting, (and crochet!) always give me a sense of calmness and order. It refocuses my attention away from reliving the stresses of the day, therefore helping me to unwind and sleep better. There is a sense of joy and satisfaction as a project takes shape and approaches completion. Each completed item improves confidence, and encourages me to try a pattern that is a little more advanced. In my future blog posts I will delve much more deeply into this topic. I hope along the journey to help others, find friends and provide support and encouragement.

All the best to you!

till next time,


A recent Virus Shawl I made for a gift

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